Recycled Veggie Rolls

Veggie Wraps Done.jpg

We love to juice fruits and veggies! Love. Love. Love. Celery? Beets? Spinach? Wheatgrass? Yes, please! But, what I do not like is the “waste.” We end up with lots of vegetable and fruit fiber which I have learned to recycle into other recipes. This is the first recycled recipe that I came up with and it was an instant hit! It is so easy and yummy that our toddler has yet to refuse it (fingers crossed). The trick here is a yummy vegan cream cheese that will serve as the binder for all the vegetable and fruit fibers. We also use a grain-free almond or garbanzo bean wraps.

Nerd out time….

So everyone has heard of probiotics by now, the healthy little critters in our gut that provide immune, digestive, mood, and sleep support. Probiotics also treat the bad critters by keeping them in check such as bacteria, parasites, yeast, etc. (The human gut is the most densely populated community of microorganisms on earth!) Probiotics also reduce eczema and allergies, treat UTIs, upper respiratory infections, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and can prevent cardiac conditions. BUT what are prebiotics? Prebiotics are the plant fibers that are the building blocks to these healthy bacterial communities! Prebiotics feed the probiotics and help them to produce essential nutrients. High levels of prebiotic fibers are found in leafy greens (kale and spinach) and apples. The picture (below) was from juiced beets and rainbow carrots. :)

Veggie Wraps Ingred.jpg


1-2 grain free tortillas

1 TBSP vegan cream cheese

2 TBSP left over juicing fibers

Combine cream cheese with juicing fibers to create a spread for the tortilla! If juicing fibers are slightly tough, combine them with the cream cheese in a food processor, then spread onto tortilla. Enjoy!

xo, katie


Spirulina Pancakes!


Detox Pesto