Detox Pesto

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This detox pesto has ingredients that help to support the natural detoxification pathways in the body. This recipe is yummy on crackers, grain-free pasta or flatbread or eaten right out of the bowl, yum!

Nerd out time…

Brazil nuts are known for their selenium content which promotes thyroid health and producing thyroid hormones. Brazil nuts have powerful antioxidants that promote the immune system, reduce free radicals, improve cognition, reduce inflammation, can enhance mood, and contribute to healthy growth and development. I recommend that all my littles get 1-2 brazil nuts daily.

This recipe also highlights herbs! Cilantro is known for removing heavy metals from the body, supporting the liver (the housekeeper of the body), reducing inflammation, and helps to break down food supporting bile production.

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2-4 cloves of garlic

1/3 cup brazil nuts

1/3 cup sunflower seeds

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds

1 cup cilantro

1 cup basil

2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsp lemon juice

dash of himalayan salt

Soak all nuts and seeds overnight. Combine nuts, seeds, herbs, and seasonings in a food processor or high powdered blender and make into a paste. Store in a dark jar if possible. May freeze some of it as well.

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xo, Katie


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Night night, sleep tight popsicles