Night night, sleep tight popsicles

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Sleep. I spend most of my day discussing sleep with patients. First, sleep expectations are incredibly cultural. More to come on this in the future…Second, sleep and nutrition are the foundation of health so they are both critical to maintain and support.

Herbs are powerhouses for sleep promotion and I love to use them for helping littles to unwind at the end of the day. These popsicles can be tailored so it is easy to find a combination that works for your little one!

I usually brew some catnip tea with lemon balm or dried chamomile leaves. Other herbs to consider include lavender, valerian, skullcap, lemongrass, or passionflower. The tart cherry juice has naturally occurring melatonin, yes that sleepy hormone that promotes sleep and manages disrupted sleep. Tart cherries also have anti-inflammatory properties that improve sleep regulation. In fact, some studies have suggested that tart cherries have similar anti-inflammatory effects like NSAIDs (ibuprofen) and therefore, the tart cherry juice popsicles would be great for a teething toddler as well. :)

The banana and avocado have the most magnesium out of any fruit. Magnesium is also one of the most depleted minerals in 90% of people so it’s important to be mindful about magnesium intake for your little ones and yes- you too mama!

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1 cup tart cherry juice

1 banana

1 avocado

1 tsp catnip

1 tsp chamomile

1 tsp lemon balm

Blend tart cherry juice, banana, avocado and brewed tea together in blender, pour into popsicle molds and freeze. Serve popsicles 30 minutes before bedtime!


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