Black Bean Brownies

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Let me tell you all the reasons why you should make your little ones black bean brownies!

I use this recipe DAILY with families because black bean brownies are high in iron, fiber, protein and antioxidants. Most children get their iron checked at the 12 month well-child visit due to the transition from breastmilk or formula to solid foods and more often than not, children are needing more iron in their diet. Consuming too much calcium from milk can bind to iron and remove it from the body, leading to iron deficiency. Children are also still developing their little tastebuds and may not be consuming tons of iron rich foods yet, like spinach- think Popeye!

Okay, nerd out time…

Black beans are a great source of b vitamins, B1 and B6. B vitamins are important for turning food into energy, breaking down nutrients for absorption, and maintaining skin cells and brain cells.

Black beans are a great source of magnesium, which is a very important electrolyte that is involved with over 600 cellular reactions in the body! Magnesium is most commonly known for bone support, sleep promotion, energy production, mood, and nerve health.

Black beans are high in zinc, think immune system protection, appetite regulation, promoting wound healing and overall growth and development.

Lastly, black beans contain phytonutrients, their dark color comes from anthocyanins pigments. Anthocyanins are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti-obesity and can protect against cardiac diseases.

Not that you needed convincing to eat a brownie but what an argument for turning a classic treat into something so nutrient dense!

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2 cans of black beans

2 TBSP cocoa powder

1/2 cup tiger nut flour

1 banana

1 apple

2 tsp vanilla

2 TBSP molasses

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup cocoa nibs or sugar free vegan chocolate chips

Coconut oil to grease pan


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients (except cocoa nibs or chocolate chips) into a food processor or high powered blender. Once ingredients are thoroughly blended, stir in nibs or chips. Pour all ingredients into a greased 8x8 brownie pan and put into an oven for 18-20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool before cutting.


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xo, katie


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