Hydration for Mamas


Do you ever feel like a cactus? Do your muscles ever feel like beef jerky? Dreaming about water?

If you answered yes, you are probably a nursing and/or pregnant mama! ;)

“How much water should I drink when nursing?”

Drink to thirst.

“I heard I should drink 2 gallons per day?…”

Again, drink to thirst.

So this all depends on several variables: the age of your baby (exclusive nursing, growth spurts), daily perspiration, diet (fruit/veggie intake vs protein rich foods), environment (temperature vs humidity), and body composition (muscle cells contain more water than fat cells). So what is the correct answer?? Drink to thirst, follow your intuition. If you drink too much water your diuretic hormone kicks in, increasing urinary output and milk supply can decrease. Drink too little and, yes, again, milk supply can be adversely affected. I know I still need to give a general guideline though so here is is:

The median amount of water consumed by breastfeeding mamas is about 13 cups per day. Pregnant mamas consume about 10 cups of water per day. Non-lactating women consume about 9 cups on average.

So about one cup with every nursing session and meal. :)

Also, women who are wanting to increase their milk supply are advised to avoid carbonated beverages as they are believed to be more acidic, causing constriction to the breast tissue and potentially decreasing milk production.

Women are also advised to drink room temperature or warm liquid as iced beverages can also disrupt milk production and increase risk for mastitis.

Ways to spice up your water include:

  • Add coconut water

  • Add a drop of fennel essential oil. This must be internal preparation of fennel oil! (Doterra’s fennel oil is lovely: my.doterra.com/krunchykatie).

  • Add trace mineral drops.

  • Add lemon, lime, other fruits and of course sliced cucumber!

Now, if you are consistently thirsty, it can mean you need more essential fatty acids or omegas. See my post about EFA’s.

And remember about 1/5 of the foods you eat (fruits and veggies) account for your water intake as well! :)


Mama’s Grains Drinks